My son asked me this morning if we could take a day off from our usual homeschooling schedule and I laughed and said no. However, the Lord had a different plan in mind for my family today. He felt it was best for us to spend some time in the Emergency Room!
My Beloved, Eric, woke up this morning doubled over and writhing in pain. Shortly after he was vomiting, so off to the hospital we went. This incident is very unusual for us because Eric is the healthy one in the family. He is the one that is usually sitting by my bedside when I am in the hospital. But today was his turn to be the patient.
By the time we showed up at the hospital, his back pain radiated over to his side and down his groin. When I heard that information, I knew it was a kidney stone. A few minutes later we were greeted by the ER’s Triage Nurse who happened to be the husband of an old friend of ours. I knew in that minute that the Lord was greeting us and ushering us through this experience with one of His servants. As the man started to treat my husband, he was surprised by Eric’s low heart rate so he ordered an EKG. A few minutes later they had to hook him up to oxygen and then the doctor ordered a CAT Scan. I was surprised by how my husband’s body was reacting all the while I am sitting there thinking about the worse case scenarios about his condition, so I prayed that it would be JUST a kidney stone and no other serious conditions.
As the time ticked away, I could not help but think about the financial ramifications that this trip to the ER would bring to us. You see, we have no health insurance because we can not afford it. For several years now we have been trusting the Lord to provide for us in all aspects of our lives, and time and time again, God has proved faithful to us. So why did I doubt that He would provide for us in this moment? I am not sure why, perhaps I was acting on my feelings and not resting in the Word of God.
I later contacted my dear friend who was watching my children. In the midst of my phone conversation, I broke down in tears and my voice quivered as I gave her an update on my beloved. I asked her to pray and to tell others to pray for him as well. I headed back into the hospital and waited for Eric to come back from his CAT Scan. Moments later, my stomach began to growl since I did not have much time to eat breakfast. I sat there wondering if the hospital’s cafeteria had anything gluten free that I could eat, but then thought that even if they did, I did not have any money to purchase it. Oh well, I thought, I guess today would be the day I would lose a few unwanted pounds!
Later, we got word from the doctor that everything was fine and that Eric just had a kidney stone, I was very relieved. As we walked out of the patient’s area and into the waiting room, a friend of mine showed up and said, “I brought you a gluten free lunch!” I could not believe she was standing in the Emergency Room doing this. She took the time out of her busy life to minister to us. The Lord always knows what we need even down to the smallest details! The ‘Great I Am’ sent this beautiful, godly woman just to minister on our behalf! I was grateful.
As we were leaving, I received 2 prescriptions that Eric would need to have filled. I sat there just staring at them wondering how we would afford it. Within minutes, Our Most High God sent in another one of His servants to minister to us. Our friend asked Eric how he was doing and the next thing I know, this man of God took the prescriptions from me and said he was going to drop them off, get them filled and pay for them! I was astonished.
Jesus was there with me as I walked through the uncertainty. His presence was very evident.
No matter the circumstances that you are in, remember that Christ is your Rock and Comforter just like He was mine today. He will not leave you nor forsake you. He is walking with you as you go through those difficult and uncertain times as well. Don’t lose heart.
No matter the circumstances that you are in, remember that Christ is your Rock and Comforter just like He was mine today. He will not leave you nor forsake you. He is walking with you as you go through those difficult and uncertain times as well. Don’t lose heart.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Ps 18:2

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