Welcome to The Alabaster Jar! I am so glad you decided to stop by. Sit down and relax. Put your feet up and grab a cup of coffee if you'd like and perhaps some chocolate too! (Dark chocolate is my favorite, in fact, I won't even waste my calories on milk chocolate!)
You might be asking yourself, "Why is this site called, The Alabaster Jar" and what is it all about? Well, the passage of Scripture below depicts a sinful woman who had been forgiven much and therefore, she loved much. I am a woman like that. This woman of the Bible poured out an alabaster jar of perfume on Jesus' feet and it is my desire to do the same as I use this site to minister in Jesus' name. "When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Luke 7:37,38 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little, loves little." Luke 7:47
So, who am I?
What you will find inside my heart is a love for my Father in Heaven, because He calls me His own.
Before I knew Christ I once lived a life where I was married and divorced, leaving the man because he was physically abusive.
I later lived in habitual sexual sin with another man.
I once denied the existence of God, was a feminist in every form of the word, and dealt with my own suicidal thoughts.
Then Jesus came in and saved the day and saved my soul when I gave my heart to Him at age 26. He has since radically transformed my life.
Who I am today:
I have walked with my precious Savior for only 15 short years. (I'll save you from doing the math- that makes me 41 yrs. old)
I am a wife to 'My Beloved' (husband-Eric) for 13 years.
I have two sons- Seth, age 11 and Noah, age 10 and I have homeschooled them since the time they were babes (and it is a daily challenge of dying to self as I do so!)
I never finished college (I have about one semester left) and I have chosen not to complete my degree because I would rather learn to be a Godly woman, wife, mother and keeper of the home.
I failed my college Writing Course, not just once, but twice, yet God has called me to write on His behalf. So with knees shaking, I write to my audience of One. May He be glorified (and may you look beyond all of my grammatical errors and run-on sentences!)
I am daily being transformed into a feminine woman rather than the tomboy I was raised to be. (Notice the sweet little flower in my hair?)
For 10 years, starting from the birth of my firstborn, I lived with chronic and debilitating illnesses that brought me to my knees. My body was riddled with disease and pain day in and day out. Just getting out of bed each day was an overwhelming task. (My marriage vows should have been, 'in sickness and in sickness' rather than 'in sickness and in health'!)
The last four years of my life we have faced one financial struggle after another beginning with the loss of my dream home and at the time of this writing, we have moved 4 times in the last 18 months. (Did I say I was exhausted?)
Our family (currently) resides in the Inland Empire of Southern California, until God moves us elsewhere!
There is nothing extraordinary about me, except my Extraordinary God.
I am simply a broken vessel for the Lord.
If you have a passion to grow closer to the Lord, then this site is just for you. It will be filled with encouraging articles (laced with sarcasm because that is my favorite type of humor), along with real life situations and practical applications of the Scriptures to help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
Jesus came to this earth for a purpose. He had His mind set on pleasing His Father in Heaven regardless of the cost; which was ultimately His life so we can spend eternity with Him. Do you long to pour out your life like an alabaster jar of perfume? I know I do! Come join me as we seek to follow the Lord's will for our lives. It's going to be a great journey filled with many rewards.
Jesus came to this earth for a purpose. He had His mind set on pleasing His Father in Heaven regardless of the cost; which was ultimately His life so we can spend eternity with Him. Do you long to pour out your life like an alabaster jar of perfume? I know I do! Come join me as we seek to follow the Lord's will for our lives. It's going to be a great journey filled with many rewards.

Contact Information:
Jolene Engle
email: respectyourhusband{at}joleneengle{dot}org
(909) 981-1873
Your heart is transparent and beautiful! This is the first time I've visited the new site, and to be totally honest I went straight to "about me" to see if this was the same Jolene I've come to love. And guess what? It was! I'll probably browse your site in more detail later because it's late already, but Jolene I can hear and relate to your desires. I look forward to reading more and knowing you more. Your a blessing! Love you Jolene (: -cloressa
So blessed to stop in for a visit. I'm sure I'll enjoy many more to come.
Hi Jolene, I am being blessed and encouraged by your writings! I was drawn in by the title of your blog site.~The Alabaster Jar~I have sent your site to others knowing that they would be encouraged also. Thank you.God bless you and family.
Your new friend Dayna : )
Hi Dayna, I am so glad that you enjoy my blog and you are passing it on to others so they can be encouraged as well. To God be the glory.
Love your heart felt honesty and willingness to be REAL! Found you on Good Morning Girls!
I love your blog.. Jolene. I found your blog from Darlene's time warp wife blog.
Your posts are so very much helpful to me. Sometimes just what I need at that time. God really know how to play the game..!
Looking forward to more guidance. I am just growing up in Christ.
Thanks and have a nice day..! May God bless you abundantly. I have included you and your family to my prayer list.
Sunu Philip
Found you on Time Warp Wife! So glad I did. Your post has been so encouraging. I will pass your beautiful blog on to others! <3
Kimmy, Sunu, and Kim,
I am humbled to hear such kind, sweet, and encouraging words! Thanks for taking the time to stop by. I am grateful!
Jolene, I've just been reading your stories about losing your home and the many, many struggles you and your family have been through.
In the first year of our marriage, my husband and I have lost TWO cars (and have no money for another one so we're carless for now), our bank account has been in the negative more than once (although never for very long), and we're in college accruing thousands of dollars in student loan debt.
Sometimes I wonder if we'll make it.
Then I realize how much we have.
We always have food
we're always clothed
we have a beautiful little apartment
the utilities have never been turned off
we have family and friends to take us to the store
we have steady jobs
we have strong, healthy bodies
we are so blessed.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, as hard as that must have been. It was SO very encouraging and reassuring to me. No matter how bad things look...God is always in control. God always provides.
I needed that reminder today. Thank you so very much.
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